wtorek, 14 sierpnia 2018


padlet - logo - link

Zrobione przy pomocy aplikacji Padlet

głosowanie - link

padlet - plakat - link

Zrobione przy pomocy aplikacji Padlet

głosowanie - link

fun with yellow paint - zabawa z żółtą farbą

fun with buttons
we create yellow collection of buttons
we organize, segregate, and count buttons
zabawa z guzikami
tworzymy żółty zbiór guzików
porządkujemy, segregujemy, liczymy guziki

niedziela, 12 sierpnia 2018

My summer holiday

O projekcie
Students will share their expressions about summer holiday.they will collaborate,share photos,videos,posters with one another.

Students will collaborate,cooperate and share their expressions about history,culture,nature,art etc.of the country which they visit on their summer holiday.at the end they will write essays,and create posters and share them with one another.

The project will be for5 months.from May till October.in May they introduce themselves, their school,city ,country.from the middle of June the ll go on holiday.During summer holiday they ll collect information about the country or village, city which they visit.after returning they ll share their expressions video, photos.at the end they can write letters and essays and share them with partner school.

Learning cultures,history, tradition,of other countries.sharing, collaborating, cooperating.

preview35 pieceWakacje

preview35 pieceWakacje1

preview36 pieceWakacje2

preview35 pieceWakacje3

preview35 pieceWakacje4

I want to hear you

O projekcie
The main aim of this project is to put our children in communication in order to enhance their linguistic abilities and empowering communication skills, understanding, oral production and gaining an important impacts on the enrichment of the reading of literary texts in native language or foreign languages studied by students or small theatrical scenes, role-reading, chain-reading etc. The children get closer to each other, their daily lifes, countries and culture in order to get to know similarities and differences between our cultures using the multidimentional instruments such as email, chat, audio and video recordings, powerpoint presentations and photo albums.
Also, the children are divided in mixed nationality groups who compete in different games during the whole school year. Developing reading abilities is the aim of the project and the goal of every activity.We would like to organize virtual meetings between classes, sharing information related to reading short text

Developing the reading around the international solidarity.
Improving the use of Information Technology and the use of different networks
Sensitizing children to the respect of other cultures and other languages.
Encreasing awareness on the issue of citizenship in Europe, fostering the integration of its linguistic and cultural richness.
Developing the ability to learn reading together and share knowledge and points of view.
Exchanging letters or email; exchanging some creative works made by the pupils.
Exploring pupils’ potential and discover their talents.

The project will start in 15 May and last till 31 August 2018.
Each project partner will choose activities to achieve the aims of the project, and carry them out in school where they work.
hey will publish images, videos, comments in the project TwinSpace that have a logical link with the project’s aims.
Student-participants create pages dedicated to the project in the online environment (TwinSpace), helping them to get to know each other better and establish intercultural relationships with technology.
All work should be completed within the time limits stipulated on the project. The work plan is as follows:
BEGINNING OF 15 May 2018
First greetings and introductions by the childrens/schools.

Post in the TwinSpace activities, small theatrical scenes, role-reading, chain-reading etc.
Project evaluation.

- Communicating with others through the use reading of a native/foreign language
• Recognizing and reproducing sounds and rhythms of English/native language
• Supporting an easy reading: role-reading, chain-reading, partial texts, small theatrical scenes etc.
• Expending students’ digital skills by exploring what it means to be a good digital citizen and developing team work, communication and collaboration as well as expand their horizons through the international cooperation with other students from neighboring countries.

We discover European traditions and customs

O projekcie
The multicultural educational project is designed to bring to the attention of children, parents and teachers the importance of knowing and understanding their own holidays, defining our identity. We also want to stimulate the creativity of children and their competitive spirit through pleasant activities that will develop both the ability to understand the ancestral customs and the respect and admiration of the traditions specific to some of the most important holidays. Valorisation of the traditions and customs specific to Christmas, Valentine's Day /Dragobete, Easter and Easter holidays through the artistic, literary and/or plastic creations of the young generation, as well as the formation and development of educational and moral-civic components.

Exchange of experience, research and discovery of their own traditions and habits, application of ICT knowledge and use of foreign languages in collaboration between schools.

December 2017
Presentation of group of students, school, city, country
Web tools: prezi.com, Power Point, etc
January 2018 – „Santa Claus Workshops”
The participating students, together with their teacher, will decorate their class in the spirit of Christmas, respecting the traditions, customs and the specificity of the holiday in their country of origin. Within each workshop, collages, congratulations cards, Christmas cards and Christmas decorations will be made, which will respect the theme of the holiday in the chosen country or region and highlight its characteristics.
Web Tools: prezi.com, pictochart, vimeo, power point etc.
February 2018 – „Valentine's Day / Dragobete - The Feast of Love”
The participating students will know the significance of Valentine's Day and Dragobete, will present poetry and love songs specific to the area and will make literary and plastic creations.
Web Tools: prezi.com, pictochart, vimeo, power point etc.
March 2018 – „Spring Holidays”
Students will mak

Expected results
For better understanding of the events, videos will be used. Impact at this level, increasing the use of new technologies in the teaching process, developing new skills in computer activities and communication skills by using the tools provided by eTwinning, the development of language skills (English, French), and help them establish connections between what they know, to enable them to use their knowledge in real life. At the end of the project, all students participating in the project will have a better understanding of their country's traditions and customs, as well as the traditions and customs of the countries participating in the project.


O projekcie
In today's world, people live environment problems caused by people, industry, and nature. These problems have reached the global dimensions that threaten the entire humanity by becoming local. In order to leave a sustainable environment for tomorrow, the protection of the world we live in is a subject that all people should feel responsible for. We aim to develop a world citizen with the knowledge, skills and responsibilities to create awareness of world problems with our project and to contribute to the solution of existing problems.

To improve the ability of our students to communicate on the foreign language.
To develop technological skills.
To create consciousness by creating awareness of human-caused environmental problems.
To provide solutions to industrial environmental problems.
Having knowledge about both human and industrial environmenta problems.
To learn what environmental problems are caused by nature and to produce solutions to reduce the damage caused by these problems.
To ensure that our students are not sensitive to the environment.

Introductions ( teacher, student, school, city, country)
Using weebly for creating project web site
Using padlet
Logo competition
Environmental problems
Human-caused environmental problems
-Exhaust gases
-Noise pollution
Environmental problems
-Image pollution
-Stray animals
-Tree cutting
Industrial environmental problems
-Global warming
-Factory wastes
Industrial environmental problems
-Thinning of the ozone layer (cause; perfumes, factory smoke etc ...)
-Waste materials (battery, nylon bag, plastic, glass, oil, etc.)
Industrial environmental problems
-The harm caused by the technology
-Acid rains
Both human and industrial originated environmental problems
Water pollution
Soil pollution
Natural disasters
Online Goodbye meetings
Closing the project

To create a real connection and friendship between the partner students while learning a foreign language
To give the students and teachers the opportunity to use ICT tools
To integrate the project into the curriculum
To share information and connect virtually
To raise individuals who are sensitive to the environment.

farklı kültürler burdur gölü için el ele

O projekcie
çocuklarımıza çevre bilinci kazandırabilmek, bu bilinci onlara aşılayabilmek, çocukların çevreye duyarlılığını geliştirebilmek ve bu bilinci toplumun değişik katmanlarında yaygınlaştırabilmek adına yapılan tüm faaliyetlerin bütünü olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu etkinlik çerçevesinde çocuklara aşılanmaya çalışılan davranışlar ve uygulamalar içinde temizlik, çöp, çevre, kirlilik, doğa ve mutluluk kavramları bulunmaktadır. Çevreye duyarlı olabilmek ve yeni nesillere yaşanabilir bir dünya bırakabilme bilincini sonradan kazandırmak oldukça zordur. Bu bilinci bireylere okullarda aşılamak en etkin ve verimli yollardan birisi olarak görülmektedir. Çocukların öğrenmeye en açık oldukları bu dönemde çevre bilinci yüksek çocuklar yetiştirmek, bir nevi geleceğe yatırım yapmak anlamı da taşımaktadır.

Burdur Gölü hakkında farkındalık yaratılması ve kamuoyu oluşturulması.projeye katılan ortaklar bulundukları yerde ya da yakınındaki göl ve denizlerin tanıtımını yapacaklar ve bunları web aracılığıyla birbirleriyle paylaşacaklar.

Dünyanın çeşitli ülkeleri ve Türkiye’nin çeşitli kentlerinden öğretmen ve öğrenci grupları, hazırladıkları videolarla etkinliğe destek çağrısında bulunacaklar.ortak belirlenen tarihte burdur gölünde toplanılacak ve gölün etrafına fidanlar dikilecek öğrencilerin yaptıkları kuş yuvaları gölün etrafına uygun yerlere göçmen kuşlar için asılacak. ortaklarla beraber her ay için müfredata uygun etkinlik belirlenecek ve uygulanacak.

Burdur Gölü’nün daha fazla kişi tarafından ziyaret edilmesi. Öğrencilerin doğa bilincini geliştirmek ve doğa sevgisi kazandırmak. Vatandaşlarda Göl yoksa Burdur’da yok bilinci geliştirilmesi. Öğrencilere tükenen doğal kaynaklar için neler yapılabileceği konusunda bilinç vermek. Burdur Gölü’nün su seviyesini azaltan faaliyetler kısıtlanması. Burdur Gölü’nde kirliliğe sebep veren faaliyetler azaltılması.

„Ciekawe zadania do głowy łamania - sto zadań dla eTwinnerów... - Interesting tasks to the head of breaking - hundred tasks for eTwinners ..."

O projekcie
eTwinning project:
"Interesting tasks to the head of breaking - hundred tasks for eTwinners ..."
The project will consist in creating and solving hundred different tasks by pupils/students.
In an attractive and affordable form, we want:
• familiarize children with knowledge about partner country schools
• bring children basic concepts and issues related to the history of Poland and partner countries
• introduce and present Polish national symbols and partner countries
• bring closer the news about our country and partner countries
• shape the right attitude to the history of Poland
• shape a sense of belonging to one's own country, region, small homeland
The implementation of tasks will allow to extend knowledge about Poland and partner countries.

Projekt eTwinning:
„Ciekawe zadania do głowy łamania - sto zadań dla eTwinnerów...”
Projekt będzie polegał na stworzeniu i rozwiązaniu stu różnych zadań przez uczniów.

The main objectives of the project:
• familiarize children with knowledge about partner country schools
• bring children basic concepts and issues related to the history of Poland and partner countries
• introduce and present Polish national symbols and partner countries
• bring closer the news about our country and partner countries
• shape the right attitude to the history of Poland
• shape a sense of belonging to one's own country, region, small homeland

Cele projektu:
• zapoznać dzieci z wiedzą na temat krajów szkół partnerskich
• przybliżyć dzieciom podstawowe pojęcia i zagadnienia związane z historią Polski i krajów partnerskich
• zapoznać i przedstawić polskie symbole narodowe i krajów partnerskich
• przybliżyć wiadomości na temat naszego kraju i krajów partnerskich
• kształtować właściwy stosunek do dziejów Polski
• kształtować poczucie przynależności do własnego kraju, regionu, małej Ojczyzny

During the project, all participants will be responsible for creating and solving 100 tasks related to the topic of the project.

Podczas realizacji projektu wspólnie wszyscy uczestnicy będą odpowiedzialni za stworzenie i rozwiązanie 100 zadań związanych z tematem projektu.

- tasks created and solved
- project evaluation
- developed and collected materials will be posted on the TwinSpace

- stworzone i rozwiązane zadania
- ewaluacja projektu
- wypracowane i zgromadzone materiały będą zamieszczone na TwinSpace


Little STEMists 2

O projekcie
The project assumes developing cognitive activity of children through STEM activities (STEM = science, technology, engineering, mathematics).

1. Waking up scientific interests.
2. Acquainting with modern technologies.
3. Expanding the message resource regarding the surrounding world.
4. Reaping benefits and joy while discovering unknown phenomena.
5. Shaping pro-ecological attitudes.
6. Teaching independent thinking and drawing conclusions.
7. Developing creative problem solving skills.

1. Creating a project logo.
2. Determining which STEM activities we perform jointly.
3. Presentation of activities in the field of STEM.
4. Participation in events: "Europe Code Week" (6-21 October 2018), "STEM Discovery Week".
5. Evaluation of the project.

1. a collection of photo reports from classes,
2. a collection of materials for conducting classes in the field of STEM.

Dünyanın Güzellikleri Benim Memleketimde - The beauties of the world are in my hometown

O projekcie
Yaşadığımız yerin mutlaka birbirinden güzel ve özel yanları vardır. Amacımız öğrencilerimiz, aileleri ve bizlerin desteğiyle bu güzellikleri ortaya çıkarabilmektir. Öğrencilerimizin yaşadığı yeri tanıması ve tanitabilmesidir. Sadece kendi memleketini değil, farklı memleketleri de tanımaya istekli hale getirmektir.Farkli insanlar, farklı kültürler tanıyarak hayata bakış açısında da zenginlikler oluşturmak istegimizdir.

Öğrencilerimizin kendi memleketini tanıması ve tanitabilmesidir. Farklı memleketlerle tanışması, gozlemleyebilmesi ve ilgisini cekebilmesi. Bu şekilde farklı bakış açıları sağlanabilmesi hedefimizdir. Araştırma becerisini geliştirmek ve merak duygusunu geliştirmek.

Çalışma sürecimiz Eylül 2018 ile Haziran 2019 arasindaki dönemi kapsayacaktır.Projemizde belirledigimiz konu başlıkları şunlardır:
1) Memleketimde düğünler (kına gecesi, çeyiz,gelenekler, görenekler, oyunlar,v.b.)
2) Memleketimde ki tarihi yapı ve eserler (Hangi doneme ait, kullanılan malzemeler, yöntemleri, efsaneleri v.b.)
3) Memleketimde yaşayan ve kaybolmuş el sanatları (mekan yerleri gezme ,inceleme, röportaj , video kayıtları v.b.)
4)Memleketime mal olmuş önemli şahsiyetler (Sanatçılar, yazarlar, sporcular, ressamlar,devlet büyükleri v.b.)
5)Tarihi önemi olan önemli kabir yerleri (Sehitler, Evliyalar, Devlet büyükleri, yazarlar, sanatçılar v.b.)
6)Memlekitime ait yemekler ( Düğün yemekleri, bayram yemekleri, özel günlere ait yemekler v.b.)
7) Memleketimde yetiştirilen ürünler ve memleketime has yetişen hayvanlar (Meyve,sebze,evcimen veya yırtıcı hayvanlar v.b.)
8)Memleketimin doğal güzellikleri
9) Memleketimde özel günler
10)Halk oyunları veya dansları.

Farklı kültürleri biraraya getirebilmek . Görsellerle e -kitap oluşturmak.Videolarla belgesel tadinda tanitim yapabilmek. Öğrencilerimizin kendi memleketini tanımasını ve tantabilmesini sağlamak. Araştırma becerisini geliştirmek.Sorumluluk duygusunu geliştirmek.

„Piękna nasza Polska cała” – tradycja, historia, współczesność

O projekcie
Projekt zostanie zrealizowany w ciągu dwóch ostatnich tygodni października (15-26.10.2018 r.). Będzie nawiązywał do setnej rocznicy odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości. Każdego dnia będzie omawiane inne miasto (jego legendy, historia, ciekawe atrakcje turystyczne). Na koniec każda z grup uczestniczących w projekcie zaprezentuje ciekawostki ze swojej miejscowości.

1) Poszerzenie wiedzy nt. ojczyzny.
2) Uwrażliwienie na piękno naszego kraju.
3) Kształtowanie poczucia tożsamości narodowej i przynależności regionalnej.
4) Rozbudzanie ciekawości poznawczej.
5) Inspirowanie do kreatywności.
6) Rozwijanie umiejętności współpracy.
7) Kształtowanie postawy patriotycznej.

2 tygodnie pracy w projekcie:
1. Przedstawienie się grup.
2. Poznanie polskich miast (ich legend, historii, ciekawych atrakcji turystycznych): Gniezna, Krakowa, Warszawy, Torunia, Gdańska, Poznania, Zakopanego, Wrocławia. Wykonanie tematycznych zadań z zakresu edukacji polonistycznej, matematycznej, muzycznej, plastycznej, przyrodniczej, ruchowej. Codzienne wspólne wykonanie jednego zadania, np. stworzenie elektronicznego lapbooka zawierającego ciekawostki turystyczne nt. wyznaczonego miasta, wykonanie ilustracji do elektronicznej książeczki prezentującej wybraną legendę, itd.
3. Zaprezentowanie ciekawostek ze swojej miejscowości.
4. Spotkania on-line grup uczestniczących w projekcie (w tym wykonanie wspólnych zadań, np. odśpiewanie piosenki „Krakowiaczek”).
5. Powtórzenie i utrwalenie wybranych treści w formie quizów, krzyżówek oraz konkursów np. wiedzy o Polsce.

1. zbiór fotorelacji z zajęć,
2. zbiór materiałów tematycznych, które będzie można wykorzystać w pracy z kolejnymi rocznikami uczniów.

BLOG - link

nasze logo

Discovery children’s rights with Pinocchio

O projekcie
The project will take place during the school year, in separate but continuous moments, connected by a single common thread: the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio". The famous wooden puppet, known all over the world, represents the background of integration that warns students towards the knowledge and awareness of the inviolable rights of children, such as the right to have a name, health, family, education, education. The reading of history is a way to face the problems of different cultures, but united by the same rights. Through the constant guidance of teachers and the collaboration of parents, students are engaged in linguistic-communicative, expressive-creative development in a climate of intercultural comparison based on the experience of being European citizens.

The main objective is to make the students aware that they too have rights and that there is a Convention on the Rights of the Child that declares them and that protects them from any form of exploitation and suffering. Every child has the right, among other things, to express themselves freely, to play, to grow in legality, to study, to be informed, to live in a healthy environment, and through the fable of Pinocchio to understand, above all, that all this it should not be taken for granted, as there are realities in which these rights are not only not guaranteed but often also trampled.

Through the initial guided conversations, the teachers will start the students towards the knowledge of the inviolable rights of the children, with reference to the principles established in the "Convention on the Rights of the Child". Subsequently, the students will be presented the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi. It will be read in class at different times of the school year, for example once a week or once a month. Reading will allow us to create spaces for reflection on the rights of children that will emerge from history. During the didactic journey, the students, through different expressive forms (drawings, comics or poems), will represent the scenes of the history and the fundamental rights of the children who have learned. In addition, they will do research on how the children of the past lived by interviewing their family members. Partners will share work done through the twinspace and video conferencing. In the end they will collaborate to compose a thematic song.

Understanding that children's rights are many, that alongside rights there are duties to be respected and shared. Develop behaviors of respect towards others and acceptance of diversity. Improve communication skills in one's mother tongue and in English. To represent the history of Pinocchio and the fundamental rights of children with different forms of expression. Compose a song in collaboration with partner schools. Promote a correct and conscious use of technologies to communicate.

Healthy Life Happy Smilies

O projekcie
The growth and development of children in school age is fast. In this period, children start to eat together with friends outside the house. For this reason they gain lifelong eating habits at school.Healthy eating habits acquired during childhood constitute the basic solution for the prevention of future nutritional problems. Because healthy eating is important on the physical, social, emotional development and behavior of the child. We will teach the students to feed adequately and regularly with our project. We will understand the importance of physical activity for a healthy life. We will create awareness for healthy eating and physical activity.

- Students will realize the importance of adequate and regular feeding.,br> - They will realize the importance of physical activity for a healthy life.
- They will be conscious of choosing to eat healthy for their own bodies.
- Abouth healthy eating, they will be role models for family members and peers.
- They will learn healthy eating rules.

Creation and Introduction of project team
Making a project start-up questionnaire
Measurement of student body mass index
Preparation of poster and logos
Identifying health problems in the world
Propose solutions to the world's health problems
Presentation of student research
Regulation of healthy nutrition education for students and parents
To investigate the effects of healthy eating and unhealthy feeding on our body
We learn about food element.
We learn about foot groups.
Breakfast activity.
Healthy nutrition slogans
We are propering new year cards.
Fruit and Fruity yoğurt activity
Free activity study with ARCIMBOLDO
We are creating the Food Pyramid
We are preparing eating menue in home
I can differenciate healthy and unhealthy foods
Hand hygiene and oral dental health
Healthy Nutrition Poetry
World Health Day celebration
Physical Activities
Healthy eating picture contest
Sing the healthy eating song

Students will be able to choose to have a healthy diet for their own body. Abouth healthy eating, they will be role models for family members and peers. They will understand the importance of physical activity for healthy living. They will be aware about oral and dental health. The Project supported us raising students who can work cooperatively, use common language, search for information, express themselves, question, develop handskills, be productive and communicate effectively. Students will be conscious individuals and they used the acquiriements in their daily lives. They will attent their lessons more actively and they developed their social and academic success. They will be able to use the tecnology for education purposes.


O projekcie
Seçtiğimiz on renk (Sarı, turuncu, mavi, yeşil, kırmızı, pembe, beyaz, siyah, mor, kahverengi )İle ilgili farklı çalışmalar ortaya koyabilmak. Küçük yaş grubu öğrencilerimizin renkleri öğrenmesini sağlamak. Büyük yaş grubu için de eğlenerek yaratıcılıklarını ortaya çıkarmak. ( To be able to make different studies about the ten colors we choose. Ensure that our students learn color for small age group. Having fun for the older age group to reveal their creativity. )

Küçük yaş grubunun renkleri tanımasını sağlamak. Renkler ile ilgili görsel zeka gelişimini sağlamak. Yaratıcılık becerilerini ortaya çıkarmak. Farklı çalışmalar görebilmek.( Ensure that the small age group understands the colors. To develop visual intelligence about colors.Unleash creativity skills. See different studies.)

Projemiz Eylül 2018 ile Haziran 2019 dönemini kapsar.(Our Project covers the period from September 2018 to june 2019. Taking into consideration the age groups and the possibilities of working in the months of the specified colors.Such as bringing yellow fruits on a yellow day, wearing or designing yellow dresses,decorating class doors, panels ) Belirtilen renklere ait aylarda çalışmalar imkanlar ve yaş grubu dikkate alınarak yapılacak. (Örneğin sarı gününde sarı renkli meyvelerin gelmesi istenebilir, sarı renkli kıyafetler giyilebilir veya tasarlanabilir. Sınıf kapısı veya panolar sarı renkli çalışmalarla süslenebilir. Sarı renkle ilgili duvar boyanabilir gibi.)


Yıl sonunda yaptığımız farklı çalışmalardan okulumuzda bir sergi açabilmek. Görsel zeka gelişimine katkıda bulunmak. Farklı çalışmalar görebilmek.(Be able to open an exhibition at the end of the year.Contribute to the development of visual intelligence. See different studies.

3 małe kurczaczki – film


How to draw a chicken - link

kolorowanki online - link

Fun and Games Math 3

O projekcie
Projekt będzie polegał na:
- zamieszczaniu na blogu instrukcji gier i zabaw matematycznych, które wykorzystujemy w pracy z dziećmi oraz galerii zdjęć z lekcji z wykorzystaniem wyżej wymienionych gier i zabaw,
- wykorzystywaniu (sprawdzaniu) we własnej pracy wybranych gier i zabaw zamieszczonych przez innych partnerów i tworzeniu galerii zdjęć z przeprowadzonych lekcji,
- tworzeniu gier i zabaw z dziećmi i prezentowaniu ich na wspólnie prowadzonym blogu.

The project will consist of :
- posting on a blog instructions games and math, which we use in working with children and a photo gallery of the lessons with the use of the above games and activities,
- use ( checking ) in their work selected games and posted by other partners and creating a photo gallery of the conducted lessons - the creation of games and activities with children and presenting them together run a blog.

- rozwijanie zainteresowań matematycznych,
- utrwalanie pojęć matematycznych,
- doskonalenie sprawności rachunkowej,
- rozwijanie logicznego myślenia matematycznego,
- stymulowanie aktywności twórczej,
- wykorzystywanie wiedzy matematycznej w życiu codziennym.

- developing interest in mathematics,
- consolidation of mathematical concepts,
- improving the efficiency of accounting,
- develop logical mathematical thinking,
- stimulating creative activity,
- the use of mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

1) wymiana pomysłów i opracowanie projektu,
2) zamieszczanie na blogu instrukcji gier i zabaw matematycznych wykorzystywanych w pracy z dziećmi oraz tworzenie galerii zdjęć z lekcji,
3) wykorzystywanie (sprawdzanie) we własnej pracy wybranych gier i zabaw zamieszczonych przez innych partnerów i tworzeniu galerii zdjęć z przeprowadzonych lekcji,
4) tworzenie gier i zabaw z dziećmi i prezentowaniu ich na wspólnie prowadzonym blogu,
5) przygotowanie ewaluacji projektu.

1) exchange of ideas and development of the project,
2) posting on the blog instructions games and math used in work with children and creating a photo gallery of the lessons,
3) the use (check) in their work selected games and posted by other partners and creating a photo gallery of the conducted lessons,
4) the creation of games and activities with children and presenting them together run a blog,
5) preparation of project evaluation.

Continuation: http://eb-funandgamesmath.blogspot.com/


O projekcie
Projemizdeki amaç Dünyanın Yedi Harikası’nı öğrencilerimize tanıtabilmektir. Öğrencilerin çeşitli Web 2.0 araçlarını kullanarak bu yerlerle ilgili zihin haritaları oluşturması, poster yapması ve yaptıkları araştırmaları şiir, yazı, resim kullanarak hem sınıf arkadaşlarına hem de proje ortağı okullardaki arkadaşlarına sunması hedeflenmiştir.

The purpose in our project is to introduce the Seven Wonders of the World to our students.Students are expected to use various Web 2.0 tools to create mind maps for these places, to make posters and to present their research to poets, writers, and photographs to friends in both their classroom and project partner schools.

1- Kültürler arası etkileşimde bulunmak
2- Grup çalışması yapmayı öğrenmek
3- Kendi yapabildiği çalışmaların farkına varmak
4- Öğrencilerin kendilerine olan güvenlerini artırmak
5- Öğrenci-veli-öğretmen işbirliğini geliştirmek
6- İşbirliği yapmayı öğrenmek
7- Çeşitli web 2.0 araçlarını öğrenmek

1- Interaction between cultures
2- Learn to do group work
3- Be aware of the work that one can do
4- Increasing the students' confidence in themselves
5- To develop student-parent-teacher cooperation
6- Learn to collaborate
7- Learn various web 2.0 tools

Projemiz 2018-2019 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Eylül de başlayıp Haziran da sona erecektir.
-Proje tanıtımı
-Ortakların bulunması ve tanışma webinarının düzenlenmesi
-Logo ve poster çalışmaları
EKİM-Keops Piramidi
KASIM-Babil'in Asma Bahçeleri
ARALIK-Zeus Heykeli
OCAK/ŞUBAT - Rodos Heykeli
MART-İskenderiye Feneri
NİSAN-Haliskarnas Mozolesi
MAYIS-Artemis Tapınağı
HAZİRAN-Çalışmaların tamamlanması.

Our project will start in September 2018 and end in June 2019.

-Project introduction
- Finding project partners
- Webinar arrangement.
-Logo and poster works
OCTOBER-Cheops Pyramid
NOVEMBER-Hanging Gardens of Babylon
DECEMBER-Statue of Zeus
JANUARY/FEBRUARY-Colossus of Rhodes
MARCH-The Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria
APRIL-The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
MAY-Temple of Artemis
JUNE-Completion of studies.
All work will be recorded and published on twinspace, facebook,blog and school web sites.

1- Öğrencilerin Dünyanın Yedi Harikası’nı tanıması ve tanıtması
2- Öğrendiği Web 2.0 araçlarını kullanması
3- Araştırma yapmayı öğrenmesi
4- Öğrencilerin grup halinde çalışmayı öğrenmesi
5- Öğrencilerin özgüven geliştirmesi 6- Öğrencilerin kültürel mirasları öğrenmeye istekli olması amaçlanmıştır.

1- Identification and introduction of the students' Seven Wonders of the World
2- Using the Web 2.0 tools
3- Learning to do research
4- Students learn to work in groups
5- Developing self-confidence of students
6- It is aimed that the students are willing to learn cultural heritage.

Sınıfımı Seviyorum - I love my class

O projekcie
Farklı kültürlerden ve sosyo-ekonomik düzeylerden gelen farklı özelliklere sahip öğrenciler aynı sınıf ortamında bir araya gelmektedirler. Bu farklılık neticesinde aynı sınıf ortamında, sorunsuz biçimde eğitim-öğretim sürecinin geçirilmesi oldukça zordur. Öğrencilerin istenmeyen davranışlarının belirlenerek, bu davranışların en aza indirilmesini sağlayacak çalışmalar yapılması sonucunda sınıf ve/veya okul ortamı daha sorunsuz bir ortama kavuşacaktır.
There are students who come from different socio-economic levels and from different cultural backgrounds and they all have different characteristics they also are sharing the same classroom environment. Because of these differences, it is hard to continue education progress without any problems. By finding and researching students’ inappropriate behaviors we can decrease its occurrence to the best it is possible. As results show school environment will become more convenient and problem free for education continue.

Öğrencinin öğretmeninin uyarılarını dinlemesi
Öğrencinin sınıf içinde izin almadan konuşmaması
Arkadaşları ile olumlu iletişim kurması.
Arkadaşları ile kavga etmemesi
Arkadaşlarıyla işbirliği yapması
Arkadaşlarının haklarına saygı göstermesi.
He/She listens to warnings made by teacher.
He/She will not speak unless he has permission from his teachers
He/She interacts with friends
He/She does not insult his friends
He/She is not offended to friends
He/She does not fight with his friends

Eylül: Tanışma,iletişi kurma,
Ekim:Proje logo,poster,pano çalışması
Kasım:Sınıf kurallarının belirlenmesi.
Aralık:Sınıf arkadaşlarına hoşgörülü davranma
Ocak:Bireysel farklılıklarını kavrama
Şubat:Kendini tanıma
Mart:Arkadaşlığın önemini fark etme.
Nisan:Öfkesini kontrol etme
Mayıs:Hayal ederek bir okul/sınıf çizme anlatma.
Projede uygulanacak ön testte göre uygun grup rehberlik etkinlikleri uygulanacaktır.Ortak çalışmalara birlikte karar verilecektir.

İlkokul düzeyinde sınıf içi istenmedik davranış gösteren öğrencilere, ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda grup rehberlik etkinliklerinin uygulanmasının, öğrencilerin istenmedik davranışlarını istendik davranışlara dönüştürme süreçlerine anlamlı bir etkisinin olup olmadığının araştırılmasıdır.

From drawing to programming 2

O projekcie
The project will consist of:
- posting descriptions of activities related to introducing programming and creating photo galleries from lessons,
- using (checking) in own work selected activities posted by other partners and creating photo galleries from the lessons.

Goals (children):
- developing information technology interests,
- improving the use of computer, tablet, robot, etc.,
- consolidation of IT concepts,
- developing logical and critical thinking while searching, selecting, organizing and evaluating information,
- improving problem-solving and decision-making skills,
- engaging in cooperation,
- stimulating creative activity,
- using IT knowledge in everyday life.

Goals (teachers):
- development of competences (knowledge, skills) in programming,
- mutual support in introducing learning programming in working with children.,br>
Detailed activity plan:
1) exchange ideas and develop a project,
2) posting descriptions of activities related to programming and programming and creating photo galleries from lessons - for the transparency of the project in particular months we try to present activities related to the use of designated tools:
- September: CodeMonkey, LightBot
- October: CodeOrg
- November: Tynker
- December: Scratch
- January: Minecraft
- February: Codeable, Daisy Dinosaur
- March: Cody Roby
- April: Foos
- May: RunMarco
3) using (checking) in one's own work selected activities by other partners and creating photo galleries from the lessons,
4) preparation of project evaluation.

Materials posted on TwinSpace and on the project website.
Creating an programming story book.
.... .

our propositions - logo

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Zrobione przy pomocy aplikacji Padlet

piątek, 10 sierpnia 2018

nowy rok szkolny 2018/2019

New school year 2018/2019...
When start of the school year in your school?
Please add photos - "First week in school"
In Poland, in Poznań, new school year starts on September 03, 2018
thank you :)

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Zrobione przy pomocy aplikacji Padlet

wydarzenie online - link