niedziela, 12 sierpnia 2018

Discovery children’s rights with Pinocchio

O projekcie
The project will take place during the school year, in separate but continuous moments, connected by a single common thread: the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio". The famous wooden puppet, known all over the world, represents the background of integration that warns students towards the knowledge and awareness of the inviolable rights of children, such as the right to have a name, health, family, education, education. The reading of history is a way to face the problems of different cultures, but united by the same rights. Through the constant guidance of teachers and the collaboration of parents, students are engaged in linguistic-communicative, expressive-creative development in a climate of intercultural comparison based on the experience of being European citizens.

The main objective is to make the students aware that they too have rights and that there is a Convention on the Rights of the Child that declares them and that protects them from any form of exploitation and suffering. Every child has the right, among other things, to express themselves freely, to play, to grow in legality, to study, to be informed, to live in a healthy environment, and through the fable of Pinocchio to understand, above all, that all this it should not be taken for granted, as there are realities in which these rights are not only not guaranteed but often also trampled.

Through the initial guided conversations, the teachers will start the students towards the knowledge of the inviolable rights of the children, with reference to the principles established in the "Convention on the Rights of the Child". Subsequently, the students will be presented the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi. It will be read in class at different times of the school year, for example once a week or once a month. Reading will allow us to create spaces for reflection on the rights of children that will emerge from history. During the didactic journey, the students, through different expressive forms (drawings, comics or poems), will represent the scenes of the history and the fundamental rights of the children who have learned. In addition, they will do research on how the children of the past lived by interviewing their family members. Partners will share work done through the twinspace and video conferencing. In the end they will collaborate to compose a thematic song.

Understanding that children's rights are many, that alongside rights there are duties to be respected and shared. Develop behaviors of respect towards others and acceptance of diversity. Improve communication skills in one's mother tongue and in English. To represent the history of Pinocchio and the fundamental rights of children with different forms of expression. Compose a song in collaboration with partner schools. Promote a correct and conscious use of technologies to communicate.

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